Idaho Parents for Educational Choice

...when parents (rightfully) make
the decision for their children's
individual educational needs,
great things happen, for everyone...

"IPEC Update" Newsletters
...continuing to keep you informed...
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"IPEC Update" Newsletters
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"IPEC Update" Newsletters
Please click the newsletter, below, that best suits your
interests, and take some time to digest
the valuable information we have
produced in the past , for you,
our dedicated readers,
...continuing to keep you informed...
Newsletters' Contents

Whether it's "bad books" being distributed to minors in our libraries, or school-choice legislation being introduced, to the International Globalization Plan and its effects at home on our children,
Idaho Parents for Educational Choice serves as an effective tool in keeping school-choice and children-related data regularly disbursed to its readers.
See the summaries, below, of our past newsletters, which are itemized, above:

"Who Would Alter a Monopoly
If They Didn't Have to? No One!
"Yard by yard is hard; inch by inch; it's a cinch!"
A "Thanks" for All Those Who Helped with School-Choice HB669
The "Invisible Hand of Providence"
Capitol Clarity Hour: "My Child, My Choice"
"Bad Books" Discussion
"Education's Future:
Globalization of Indoctrination"
UN, Microsoft, and Gates' Globalist Plan
Alice A. Bailey - An Overview
Irina Bokova, Communist, Former UN Education Chief
Three Rs Being Replaced
Why Do We have a Department of Education?
Massey Bill to Terminate Department of Education
Others Have Tried to Dismantle It
"Stats Don't Lie"
How Is Idaho Doing, Academicaly?State of Idaho Scores (2022)
Reading (fourth grade) - 32%
Reading (eighth grade) - 32%
Math (fourth grade) - 36%
Math (eighth grade) - 32%
State of Idaho National Ranking - 47th out of 50
SB1038 School-Choice Failed?!
"Parents Call it 'Bad Grades'; Educators Call It 'Still Passing'"
"The Good, The Bad, and The Not-So-Ugly!"
The Good: Huge Wins in Idaho Senate
The Bad: Strong Incumbents Lose
The Not-So-Ugly: Parent-Choice Winners
What's Going on in the Country?
Parents Beware: Gender Identity is Becoming Popular with Our Kids!
Disgusting Books Have Got to Go!
"Are Our Libraries Safe Places?"
"Pornography in Public Schools and Libraries" Report: Idaho Family Policy Center
Schools, Libraries, and Their Employees Exempted from Harmful-Material Laws
HB314 Library Bill Vetoed by Governor
Governor Little's Veto Letter to House Majority Leader, Representative Moyle
Idaho Legislative District #32, Precinct 24 Unites Families
"Happy Days Are Here Again!"
"Arizona: Unique School-Choice Bills
Virginia: School Choice Wins Elections
Florida: Leader in Providing Options
Where's Idaho?!
Chart Showing States Enacting or Expanding School-Choice Programs
Education Freedom at the Supreme Court
"The Provence of Parents' Love"
Education as a Battleground
Should our School System Be Privatized?
The Most Dangerous Person in the World: Randi Weingarten!
Sowell Speaks on Deprogramming
A Success in Potlatch, Up North!
Signed Parent Permission Bill; After Three Years, Why Can't We Get It Passed?
"Idaho Ranking:
38th Out of 50!"
Idaho Parent/School-Choice Organizations Throughout the State
The Market Drives the System, Not the Unions"
Reliable Stats Don's Lie
Monopolies Usurp Rights
Competition - How the Nation Thrives
Competition - "Try It; You'll Like it"
"Great Things Are
Happening in Our Schools!
"The Market Drives the System, Not the Unions"
Reliable Stats Don's Lie
Monopolies Usurp Rights
Competition - How the Nation Thrives
Competition - "Try It; You'll Like it"

"IPEC Update"
...continuing to keep you informed...